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To my Reader

Democrats have one solid key fundamental flaw... We believe in this experiment called Democracy to a fault. We are so naive that we believe everyone wants the better man to win the race. This is absolute garbage. Go ask any Republican and they will explain to you that the character of the man means squat. His political history isn't even important. The only thing that many conservatives are concerned with at all is what will this candidate do for me. As selfish and juvenile as it may seem, it works. Democrats sit and argue about hundreds of different ways to solve an issue while Republicans put their heads down and steam right ahead with that one common idea in mind; "What can I get out of this?"

Case in point... Iraq. Republicans have labeled the Democrats with the "Cut and Run" tag, saying that the Dems plan for Iraq is to just pull up stakes and leave, which is just cowardly (ED's note: The last time this method was used in wartime was by Republican President Nixon during Viet Nam.). Some Democrats have advocated this option, along with some Independents. The truth is, though, that the majority of Democrats want a time line set. This is the best plan for a number of reasons. President Bush declared the mission accomplished on May 1, 2003. Within that week, preparations should have been started on building and training Iraq's military and police. American and British forces should have been in Iraq in a training capacity only. If we aren't occupying Iraq, why are we still there in such force? Go ahead, Righties, this is where you say it's because of the underestimation of the insurgency. So if our leaders underestimated the insurgency, then they are incompetent and not fit for the job. The insurgency is so bad because Iraqis don't want us there. We keep making promises that we aren't keeping to them. If we set a time line and let them know that the welfare state that George Bush's America has created for them is almost over, they will step up to the plate. They'll have to. We wrecked their country because Bush Jr. didn't like Saddam nearly as much as Regan did. The Iraq Terrorist State has developed by our inability to realize, like Bush Sr. did, that Iraq was better off with Saddam in power. He has been fighting the terrorists ever since 1979. Democrats need to agree on one plan and adhere to it.

Now is the time for the lion to wake up. Stop putting up with this constant Democrat bashing. Its just like a schoolyard bully; as long as you take it, they are going to dish it. Stop letting Delay, Cheney, Rove and Frist slam the Veterans in Congress and the Senate. They damn sure never had the balls to serve. Clinton, stop letting Republican Transsexual Ann Coulter call you a "Rapist". This pansy attitude people have for Dems is the fault of the Dems. Fight back, dammit! The reason Republicans have to keep the heat on is because if they stop, it will get too hot for them. The Culture of Corruption is rampant and its about time for the Democrats to start dishing back, god knows there is plenty to go around.

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