Progressive Reading List

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Reading List

If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times... We (Progressives) need to more than anything, keep ourselves informed. Know your information, frame the debate, and never back down from a discussion. You are right. The best speeches I have ever made in my life were off the seat of my pants. Don't back down, stick to the facts, and be true. Conservatives only know what Rush has allowed them to know. They will refuse to speak to you rather than be humiliated.

"Dont Think Like An Elephant Know your values and frame the Debate" by George Lakoff

"You Have The Power How to take back our country and restore Democracy in America" by Howard Dean

"Common sense Government" By Al Gore

"Poor Workers Unions Rebuilding Labor from Below" by Vanessa Tait

"Bushworld" by Maureen Dowd

"Winning Back America" by Howard Dean

"The Decline of U.S. Labor and the Role of Trade" by Robert E. Baldwin

"In his Own Words" by Howard Dean

"Take this Job and Ship it" Sen Byron Dorgan

"Losing America" Sen. Robert Byrd

"Winning Politics" by William L. Roper

"America Back on Track" by Sen. Edward Kennedy

"Ask me Anything about the Presidents" by Louis Phillips

"The Making of America" br Mathew McCann Fenton